Today is Beltane, the time of flowers and new life. On the circle of the year, it is the opposite of Samhain. I just wanted to write a little reminder that if you are inclined, this is the perfect time to connect with the sacral chakra.
The sacral chakra lives between our belly button and pubic bone, low back and sacrum. Its element is water. Energetically its function is desire, pleasure, sexuality, and procreation, it is also a cauldron of creativity and emotion. It is our powerhouse, holds our body's vital force, where opposites are attracted. It is symbolized by the color orange and the sense of taste.
Plants for Sacral Chakra: Red Raspberry leaf, Shatavari, Damiana, Mugwort, Angelica, Flowers(Chamomile, Rose petals, Jasmine, Blue pea, Elderflower, Lavender, Calendula)
Food for sacral chakra: Sweet potatoes, carrots, strawberries, raspberries, oranges, mangoes, peaches
Essential oils for sacral chakra: Carrot seed, Ylang Ylang, Jasmine, Orange, Patchouli, Cocoa
Flower Essences: Lilies, Bloodroot, Hibiscus
So if you can find the time this season just close your eyes and get a sense of how you feel in your belly and pelvis. Recognizing this is your creative, pleasure, and feeling center, because your gut knows.